A family playing together outside on the beach.

The training is very diverse. We all have multiple roles.

Steph, Sonar Operator

Operate the high-tech listening devices that provide essential intelligence to your submarine’s commander.

Browse roles for more info on salary, benefits, and more.

Sonar Operator
Sonar Operator

Operate the high-tech sensors that provide essential intelligence to your commanders, working in the uniquely supportive environment of a submarine.

Ways to enter role

General Entry: Non-Technical

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Intelligence Analyst – Systems Operator
Intelligence Analyst – Systems Operator

Intercept and analyse signal transmissions to support intelligence operations.

Ways to enter role

General Entry: Non-Technical

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Cyber Operator
Cyber Operator

Find hidden messages, identify threats and keep networks protected in this highly classified role.

Ways to enter role

General Entry: Non-Technical

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Any questions about joining and serving?