Have your university fees paid for and earn a salary while you complete your degree at any Australian University.


If you are studying an accredited degree at a recognised Australian university or have accepted a relevant university offer and decide to join the ADF, DUS might be for you.

If approved, you’ll have your fees paid for, earn a salary while you complete your degree, and walk straight into a great ADF role following graduation.

A woman sitting in a classroom.
Two Air Force personnel chatting on the tarmac.

Once you have been approved for Defence sponsorship and joined your chosen service, most of your time will still be devoted to study. However, in return for investing in your education the ADF will typically require you to:

  • Depending on if you join Navy, Army or Air Force, complete one to four weeks of training (known as a Familiarisation Course) during university holidays, and
  • Once you've graduated, commit to full-time service for the number of years of university sponsorship plus one year (minimum of three years' service).

DUS Benefits

Stories from DUS

How DUS works

See what careers DUS can lead you to

Maritime Warfare Officer
Maritime Warfare Officer

Oversee the control, navigation systems, and maritime safety of Navy ships.

Ways to enter role

Officer Entry: ADFAOfficer Entry: OfficerOfficer Entry: Undergraduate

View Role
Mechanical Engineer
Mechanical Engineer

Manage the teams of skilled technicians that monitor, maintain and repair formidable military hardware such as tanks, artillery guns and armoured logistic vehicles.

Ways to enter role

Officer Entry: ADFAOfficer Entry: GraduateOfficer Entry: Undergraduate

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Electronics Engineer - Cyber Systems
Electronics Engineer - Cyber Systems

Lead a highly skilled team to maintain and protect a range of advanced Air Force and Defence networks in the sky, in space, and on the ground.

Ways to enter role

Officer Entry: ADFAOfficer Entry: GraduateOfficer Entry: Undergraduate

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Electronics Engineer Submariner
Electronics Engineer Submariner

Lead a team that maintains advanced combat, self-defence, sensor, communications and intelligence systems, working in a challenging yet rewarding environment.

Ways to enter role

Officer Entry: ADFAOfficer Entry: GraduateOfficer Entry: Undergraduate

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Avionics Engineer
Avionics Engineer

Manage the maintenance and repair of the sophisticated electronic systems that control formidable military helicopters such as the Black Hawk, Chinook and Taipan.

Ways to enter role

Officer Entry: ADFAOfficer Entry: GraduateOfficer Entry: Undergraduate

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Cyber Warfare Officer
Cyber Warfare Officer

Be at the heart of the Air Force’s emerging cyberspace warfare capability, leading a team of technical experts responsible for protecting our networks, data and information systems.

Ways to enter role

Officer Entry: GraduateOfficer Entry: ADFAOfficer Entry: Undergraduate

View Role

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